How do I change my own password in Windows 2012 RDP session?

We recently migrated our servers to Windows 2012 and it doesn’t have windows security option to change your password (like in Windows 2008). In this post, I will explain two options to change password in Windows 2012 on RDP session

Option 1 : Change password in Remote Desktop Session (RDP)

  • Press CTRL + ALT + END on remote session. This is equivalent to CTRL + ALT + DEL on your local machine and you will be able to change password.

Option 2: Change password in RDP session through jump server

It is common that customer provide access to servers (For example : APPSERVER01) through jump server (Example: GATEWAYSERVER01) . In these scenarios, CTRL + ALT + END will not work as you RDP into jump server ‘GATEWAYSERVER01’ and from jump server, RDP into application server ‘APPSERVER01’. In this case, use below steps to change your password

  • Press Windows Key + R and type ‘OSK’ to bring onscreen keyboard
  • Press ‘CTRL’ + ‘ALT’ in your keyboard and using mouse,  press ‘DEL’ button on on-screen keyboard
  • It will bring ‘Change Passsword’ option

If you know about any other options, share it in your comments